Monday, January 26, 2009

I watched a movie over the weekend. If you ever get a chance, do not watch Hard Candy.

Moodess had purchased this movie from the $5 bin at Wal-Mart a few months back. So we decided to watch it.

It's about this 14 year old girl who meets this 30 something year old photographer on the Internet. They meet in a coffee shop and they go back to his house. He's known to take pictures of under aged girls, but he's on a thin line between photography and kiddy porn.

The 14 year old, mixed some drinks for both of them and she slipped him a data rape drug and tied him up.

The movie continues with her going crazy and accusing him of raping and killing a young girl and was going to torture him until he confessed to her. and tied him to a table and proceeded to cut off his balls.

Now this was the point of the movie where I made Moodess turn it of cause I was getting light headed and sick. I almost passed out because of it. Hodekin was present the last time something like this happened to me. We were watching Going Tribal and the guy inverted his penis. Not cool.

Anyway, curiosity got the better of me and I watched the last half hour of it last night and I have to say that the ending was just as lame as the rest of the movie.

So, to save yourself some disappointment, do not watch this movie. Unless you like crazy girls chopping off a dudes balls.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I've been studying to take my server+ cert test. It is now required to obtain for my job.

I don't mind cause I don't have to pay for it. But from the other techs having taken it already(some more than once) I know that this test is no joke.

I'm taking the test tomorrow at 11:00am. I'm not too nervous about it. I feel like I've gotten some good studying in.

But I still might just croak on it. I hope not.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

You be the judge.

Monday, January 05, 2009

With the exception of the end result, the Vikings game was a ton of fun.

We had awesome seats. Lower level, 40 yard line, Viking's side, row 13, and end of the row.

There were too many Eagle's fans there. We spend the time there harassing an Eagle's fan. However, because of the outcome, he did get the last laugh. I will try and post the funny pic of Kingy doing something inappropriate (but super funny) behind his back.

I hope you all had a good weekend too.