Monday, January 29, 2007

Here we are again, the start of the new week. And it's the first day to my last week here at my current job, and my last week in this town.

Well, I found a place to live this weekend. I was hoping to be able to look at some more places, but I had to cancel some of my appointments because after I got done looking at this one place, the guy noticed I had a flat tire. That sucked, but I wasn't too worried. I could have changed it myself, but again, I ran into the issue with no jack, plus it was super cold and super windy that day. So AAA cam and towed me to the shop and had it patched up. But then place that I decided on has pretty much everything that I was looking for. Washer and dryer, dishwasher, walk out patio, and a fireplace. I like the place, but it is a little smaller than I would have liked. And the Appliances are old. Oh well, I will probably only be there for 6 months anyway.

So everything is all set up for me to move on Saturday. I am pretty excited. It's going to be an interesting adventure. So, I just pray and hope everything goes ok. I'm sure it will though.
Have a great day!!