Friday, October 06, 2006

It's finally Friday!! One more day of drudgery at work. Then I get party like a rockstar this weekend! And next weekend too.

I was feeling kind of down about myself this morning. I asked God to help lift this horrible feeling I was having about "me". Just after asking for help, I checked my email and a"friend" of mine had this to say "There's not too many people as thoughtful, genuine, sweet natured as you are, and have your ability to make a person feel amazing being in your presence. You are rare. Don't ever change that!" Wow, did that ever make me feel good. I had no idea there were some people who feel that way about me. So I say, Thank you Lord for helping me feel better about myself!! And thank you to my friend for leaving me such uplifting words!

Thank you to everyone who truly cares about me, and thank you to the loyal people who come here everyday, and read through my bull crap. Have a great weekend!