Monday, July 02, 2007

Good morning people. I hope you all had a good weekend. I didn't do much of anything. Saturday, I didn't leave the apartment once. But I did clean and do some laundry.

What's with fast food places always messing up the orders? I remember working at a Burger King when I was younger, and I certainly don't remember constantly screwing up people's orders. It's like every time I go somewhere for lunch, somethings either missing, there's onions on the burger, the fries are really onion rings, I get a Coke instead of a Sprite, there's no straw, I ask for a bunch of mayo, and I get one little packet. I think the quality of newer people in the work force is crap. What are we teaching these people? That it's ok to not care, or it's ok to mess up most of the time, or even good ol' customer service. I refuse to send something back in a fast food place. For fear of stray lougies, or a drop on the floor. All I'm saying is, the food service industry has really gone down hill within the last ten years.